Pastor Bo grew up on a cattle ranch in Nebraska, so you automatically know he's slow and stubborn. His first experience in full time ministry was at Lutheran Island Camp in Minnesota and has subsequently served at Camp LuWiSoMo and Camp Luther in Wisconsin.
He was ordained as a pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Marquette, MI and has served several churches in the Upper Peninsula. Many years were spent in campus ministry at two of our own Concordia Universities.
Pastor Bo earned a Bachelor's of Arts degree from Concordia University and a Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. He pursued a Doctor of Ministry degree (ABD) from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He has taught classes in New and Old Testament, Worship, and Ministry in a Changing World at both Concordia's. Currently he teaches online classes in Preaching and New Testament for Mission Training Center.
Pastor Bo's wife Sonja is a Lutheran Deaconess and they have two married children who are surprisingly well-adjusted and contributing members of society. Sonja is the program director for Mission Training Center which offers online education for adults who desire to become more active in their congregations. Hobbies for Bo include golf, fishing, bow hunting, reading, welding, cheering the Nebraska Cornhuskers, a good cigar and a cold beer. He hopes to find a forge sometime in the future as if he needs more distractions.
He looks forward to seeing just where and to what new opportunities God will lead St. John in the near future. He is praying even now for the leaders He will raise up to carry out the great mission. It may be you.

Scott Preston Wycherley was born on October 15, 1949 in Queens, New York. He’s steeped his life and career in Christian education and service to the faith and academic community. Scott started as a kindergartener at Immanuel Lutheran School in Whitestone, NY and much like “Welcome Back, Kotter” taught at Immanuel from 1972-77. At the same time, he was serving summers as Bible teacher and director at the Lutheran Layman’s Camp of the Pines in the Adirondacks. From 1973-75 he also served an elected term on Community School Board 25 in Queens.
Looking for a different angle on Christian education he entered Concordia College, Bronxville, NY 1977-78 and received a colloquy (certification) in the LCMS. He was a member of the Concordia Tour Choir which actually sang in Wisconsin in the spring of 1978.
Answering his first call as a commissioned minister in the LCMS, he was Director of Youth, Education, and Music at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Greenbelt, MD. This congregation was close to D.C. and included government workers, University of Maryland professors, and NASA space scientists.
He thought that job was out of this world till he was called to Townsend by you folks and Pastor Jerry Behling in 1988. ( Pastor Jerry saw that Scott had rural experience in the Adirondacks; not THAT rural, lol) Again a DCE, but encompassing a whole lot more in terms of school and community activities from youth ministry to choir, Sunday School, pantry, Bible class, thrift store, etc...
He married Deb Seeber in 1992 and together they’ve established their home on Little Archibald Lake in Townsend. They have two sons who have been prominent business
owners in the community, Rob and Dave Seeber. Deb and Scott have six bright and talented grandchildren.
Born October 15, 1949 in Queens, New York
Elementary school: Immanuel Lutheran, Whitestone New York
Secondary: Flushing High School, Flushing, New York
College: B.A. (1971) Queens College, City University of New York
Teacher and Organist Immanuel Lutheran Church and School,
Whitestone, NY (1972-1977)
Lutheran Laymen's League Camp of the Pines, Pottersville, NY,
(Summers 1972 – 1978) Bible Teacher/ Director
LCMS Colloquy: (1978) Concordia College, Bronxville, NY
Director of Christian Education Holy Cross Lutheran Church,
Greenbelt, MD (1978 – 1988)
Director of Christian Education St. John, Townsend, WI (1988-2011)
Retired LCMS, Director of Music at St. John (2011 – present)
Married to Deborah; Sons Robert and David Seeber
Resides on Little Archibald Lake, Townsend

Gail Elbe was born and raised in Starbuck, Minnesota with 2 brothers and 1 sister. Gail attended Dental Assistant School in Brainerd. Dr. Doug Nelson and Gail set up the Dental Practice locally at the Nicolet Clinic, which is now called the North Lakes Community clinic.
Gail has many skills and experiences serving as a lab courier for Nicolet Clinic, manager of central supply at Oconto falls Hospital, quality control at Imperial Manufacturing in Lakewood, school cook at Minnewaska School in Glenwood, Minnesota, receptionist in the business office at Minnewaska School and sales support payable at American Business Forms which is a distribution center in Glenwood, Minnesota.
Gail is married to Tom Elbe - 48 years on the 31st of July. They have 2 sons - T.J. who lives in Porterfield, Wisconsin and Eric who lives in Garfield, Minnesota. They have 1 grandson, Benjamin and 2 granddaughters, Paisley and Eleanor.
Gail loves sports of all types, playing cards (especially pinochle) and just being with family and friends.
St John is blessed having Gail and she is looking forward to her new career adventure.