Bible Study Sunday & Wednesday - Plus Women of Grace on 3rd Monday

Growing in Our Faith

No matter where you are in your faith journey, we all have room to grow in our relationship with Jesus. There are growth opportunities at St. Johhn for adult bible study and a special Women of Grace study class.



Join our welcoming Bible Study Wednesday mornings and get your day off to a good start. The Wednesday class has many interesting topics and sessions. An area of study is discussed weekly for 3 to 4 months. Past topics include; New Testament Characters, Gods Promises, Hey God! what about? Archeology of the Bible, and Hey God, whats the plan?

The group meets at church in person for Coffee and Breakfast at 6:50 AM, followed by Bible Study at 7:15 AM.

Join in person for a delicious breakfast and fellowship or else join the study in person or remotely by teleconference at 7:15 AM. All are Welcome!

Call In For Wednesday Class

The call-in number is 508-924-2064. You will be prompted to announce yourself - Or you can just choose to listen.  Make sure you mute your phone unless you wish to participate in the discussion.

For a study guide of current topics call Scott Wycherley at 715-850-0768.

Sunday After Service and Fellowship

Join us for "Pastors and Priests"

On Sunday mornings at 10:30 we are having a lively discussion about pastors and priests. We discuss Scripture and opinions on how these servants carry out their duties. There is always a challenge to help faith grow. Bring a Bible or grab one here. Don't be afraid, only a couple people bite. 

Monday Night – Women of Grace

Our Women of Grace Bible Study meets on the third Monday of the month at 4:30 so we are available for working women and women of all ages. We share the joy of fellowship around God’s word as redeemed and forgiven women of our dear Lord and Savior. The group chooses studies that will help us grow in our knowledge of God, grow in our relationships with one another, and help us share the joy of our Lord with others. All women in our area are welcome. We begin a new study about every six months or so but we welcome new ladies at any time.

Please contact the church office, 715-276-7214, Trudy Linssen, 715-850-0145, Sue Neider, 715-889-6992 or any of the ladies of our group.